
Thursday, September 9, 2010

9/9/2010-It's official!

Yup, now that I'm gainfully employed again and still have plenty of my parting money from my last job left, I officially registered for the Disney Full Marathon this morning. So on January 9,2011 I'll be participating in my first full marathon. I've already begun my training (in week 3 right now) as I wanted to be prepared if I did get a job in a decent amount of time so I could afford the trip...and now it will become a reality. I do have 2 half marathons on my fall schedule-the Miami Beach Halloween Half Marathon (on Halloween of course) and the Weston Rotary Run for Tomorrow Half Marathon on 12/12/10 (couldn't pass it up-right here in my suburb, only $20 and we get a spinning medal, such a deal!). I may also add another half for the 2nd weekend in November, still thinking on it and will make a decision in the next couple of weeks.

So now I REALLY need to put my nose to that ole grindstone and whip my bootie into shape. Getting the miles in is not my issue...I start to get lazy when it comes to my cross and strength training. I've already got my training calendar set up, it's just a matter of sticking to those non-run/walk days like I should. I know strengthening my core will really help me out, I just need to override the part of my brain that says "Hey, is that a couch? It looks so comfy...and just look at that stack of DVDs waiting to be watched...and those books waiting to be read...oh, look-a soft, fuzzy blanket too!" *sigh* Someone kick me in the butt, will ya?

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! How exciting! I'll be right there with you! Disney will be my first Full Marathon as well!! :0)
