
Sunday, April 11, 2010

4/11/2010-10K results

Today was the Gumbo Limbo Green Turtle Gallop 10K in Boca Raton. First time I've done a race at this distance, all others have been 5K or half marathon. Day was overcast and humid. Wind wasn't really a factor until the last couple of miles when it was right in your face (but it sure helped cool things a little, temps were mid-70s but with the humidity the sweat was pouring down). Quiet route for the most part, some down A1A and then into a little community for a lot of it, then back out onto A1A again. Wound up finishing in 1:33:27, a 14:58 pace. However, my "official" time was 1:33:44 since it was based on "gun time" timing mat at the start (I started my Garmin at the cone that marked the start line). I'm not too fond of these kinds of starts, it is not accurate based on the distance you are doing. Yes, it was only a 17 second difference but at my speed I need to take whatever I can get LOL. Think I'll stick to the D-tag timed races so I get accurate results based on the actual distance of the event.


  1. Great blog! I stumbled upon it while looking for the results of the Gumbo Limbo! You are doing fabulously. I do many races. More so after I lost 45 lbs, so I know you'll reach your goals if you keep up the spirit I read in this blog! :)

  2. Great job!!! Our local 5K's don't have D-tags either but they do subtrack at few seconds from your time to make up for it! LOL
