
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

1/5/10-Oh my, it's almost here!

Today is Tuesday, January 5th...tomorrow I will be working a half day (getting off at 12), then stopping at WalMart/Target to hopefully pick up a couple of long sleeved tops before coming home, packing up the car and driving up to Disney! Tomorrow night I'm staying off property (using a free night reward), then will be checking into Pop Century at WDW Thursday morning. Then on to the expo at Wide World of Sports to be there when it opens at noon. I'll get to meet up with many other people from the Running of the Ears (ROTE) website (I'll be wearing my bright red ROTE hat!), some I've already met once at the Royal Family 5K back in March at WDW (Princess 1/2 weekend). They might not recognize me though, I've lost weight since then plus I was dressed horribly that morning...I knew nothing about dressing properly for running and was wearing an oversized cotton tshirt and running skirt that day-once I saw my pics i just cringed as I kinda looked like a big boxy thing. Now I know better...although I'll be bundled up that morning anyway. The low marathon morning is supposed to be in the upper 20s! Yes, here in Florida!

I tested out a pair of stretchy Nike Dri-Fit legging-type workout pants on my run today and it seems like they will keep my legs warm so I'll most likely be wearing those with my running skirt on top of them. Then either a long-sleeved (if I luck out and find out tomorrow after work) or short sleeved top with the ROTE red tank top over it. If our ROTE tops don't come in on time then I have another tank to use. I got a sweatshirt to wear over those until I get too hot, then can toss it. Also got kids knit gloves from Target (2 pair for $1.00, such a deal)...might hold on to those though, they will probably fit in my Spibelt especially once I start eating my gels. And of course my red ROTE headsweats hat!

Since I'll be wearing the sweatshirt, I plan on picking up some "toggles" for my Spiblelt at the expo---they clip onto the race number bib so you can attach it to your Spibelt...then I won't have to worry about my number being hidden by the sweatshirt so I won't have to dredge through tons of pics on the ASI photo site afterward trying to find myself.

Anyway, I'm about 2/3 of the way packed, just have bathroom stuff and then my electronic stuff left. Will probably do most of that when I get home from work tomorrow. Going to hit the sack blog will be my race report!

Walt Disney World Half Marathon, here I come!!!

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