
Saturday, December 5, 2009

12/5/09-9 weeks done-really feeling it now!

Just let me say oy vey! Today was the last day of my 9th week of half marathon training. I completed 10.1 miles today under massively humid conditions (started out with 100% humidity and stayed within 85-100% the whole time I was out there). I was soaking with sweat after just a couple of miles. Wasn't hot, started at 75 and ended at 80...and the sun was only out for a little while, then it was overcast the rest of the time. But let me tell you, the humidity REALLY can drain you. I did bring enough fluids (G2 and plain water) to hydrate with plus I had 3 GU gels. Hydrated every 20 minutes...on the 40 minute marks took gel plus plain water; the other ones had G2.

My legs were perfect the entire time, no shin pain of any kind. My back though-mid to upper back was sore about halfway thru and stayed like that the rest of the way. I think that was from my drooping posture from the humidity draining my body. I kept trying to pull my shoulders back so I stood/walked/ran straighter but they kept falling forward on me.

Wound up going much slower (especially the 2nd half) then I wanted and it took me about 2 hrs and 50 minutes to cover the 10 miles. Yes, I was not at race speed and yes, the humidity really did a number on me but still, the time is a little worrying. I'm not going to let it get to me though, I'll be at the half with a fabulous group of people from Running of the Ears and I know they won't let me get swept :-)

Going to go relax for a while as I really do have to get out of the house today to go shopping---how in the heck did I run out of body wash? Weigh in is tomorrow...can't remember if I posted that my previous weigh in was 212.0 so 40.2 pounds lost at that point. Fingers crossed for tomorrow's number........

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